There are 15 images tagged with “black”.
Sail the Night Sky
Is this the Ship of Dreams?
March 3, 2020
Cwm River
A look below the surface of the river that has been seen in others of my scenes in the cwm.
Cwm Solitude
Welcome to the Cwm
Cwm Waterfall
Window on the Cwm
August 15, 2019
Light and Salvation
“The Lord is my light and my salvation.”
Psalm 27:1
I thought a lighthouse scene would be appropriate for Easter.
April 15, 2019
Winter Leaves
I first had the idea for this on a family trip around Thanksgiving of 2016. I was watching the landscape go by and noticed how the smaller trees still had their leaves, and how the dead leaves were almost pink. It may not be as beautiful as spring flowers or autumn leaves or snow, but there are scenes worth looking at even in an apparently lifeless landscape. This hanging on of dead leaves through the winter is called “marcescence”, and it is especially common in young oak trees like these.
This is my digital artwork, not a photograph.
February 13, 2018
A Winter Night's Dream
What could be more peaceful and refreshing than a quiet winter sunset?
This is my digital artwork, not a photograph.
January 27, 2017
Snowflake Globe
This is the final and most “traditional” of my seasonal snow globe scenes. This is what the landscape around here looked like a week ago. Today was 75° F, so this helps me remember it is still winter out there!
January 13, 2017
Christmas in the Pines
This is a Christmas version of Wind in the Pines. It was inspired by a visit to my grandfather's timber farm, which is why the pines are in rows. It's almost like being out in the forest, just a little more orderly!
January 11, 2016
Cold Starlight
I originally made this nice chilly abstract to start out 2012.
December 23, 2015
Canticle of the Sun
This design is in the Art Deco style popular in the early 1900s. I came across a lot of stained-glass designs in my researches, so I decided to try one with the popular sun motif. I had fun picking textures from various Apophysis and Xaos renders, some of which have been sitting on my computer for months or even years. There are bits of Eyes of the Storms, Waltz of the Snowflakes, and Chaos Tie-Dyed in there, as well as others that have never seen the light of day.
December 21, 2015
Orchard of Stars
The celestial orchard where stars and moons are grown. Created entirely in Paint Shop Pro. I'd had the idea for this image in my mind for a while, and finally got around to making it. I got a lot of practice with the pen tool, and these tree shapes might show up again.
December 7, 2015