There are 31 images tagged with “grass”.
Beside the Still Water
This is the kind of still water I'd like to rest beside. I got the idea swinging in my hammock and looking at a red maple. For some reason both the red maples in my yard hang down in a “weeping” shape. But I don't have a pond in my yard for them to hang over - that part came from my imagination.
July 13, 2019
Little House in the Big Woods
I had the idea and made a picture like this back in 2011 when I was fairly new to Vue software and 3D landscapes in general. Since I've gotten more experience I've been thinking for some time of redoing it. I love miniatures! Here's the earlier version.
October 7, 2018
Window on the Cwm
This is the reverse of my Cwm Waterfall image, this time from behind the waterfall (and it's late summer rather than spring). This perspective was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's description from the chapter "The Window on the West" in The Lord of the Rings.
“They stood on a wet floor of polished stone, the doorstep, as it were, of a rough-hewn gate of rock opening dark behind them. But in front a thin veil of water was hung, so near that Frodo could have put an outstretched arm into it. It faced westward. The level shafts of the setting sun behind beat upon it, and the red light was broken into many flickering beams of ever-changing colour. It was as if they stood at the window of some elven-tower, curtained with threaded jewels of silver and gold, and ruby, sapphire and amethyst, all kindled with an unconsuming fire.”
September 7, 2018
Cwm Autumn Frost
This morning was the first frost of autumn, and I finished this picture just in time. I love chilly mornings with frost, especially when the sun is just rising and everything glitters. I also love fall with all its colors.
This is actually looking out the window of the cottage in Cwm Solitude. You can just make out the path heading out of the cwm, and the steam fog coming from the river in the foreground.
October 30, 2017
Cwm Waterfall
I like to get plenty of use out of settings once I build them, so this render is around the corner to the left of my Cwm Solitude scene. I wanted to create a waterfall in the scene itself - often they're just a flat plane with a waterfall image that placed in the scene, or the waterfall is added later in PhotoShop. But this is an actual 3D waterfall that works from different angles. Eventually I hope to do another picture looking the opposite direction down the stream into the valley.
October 1, 2017
Cwm Solitude
I like the word “cwm”, the way it's spelled and the way it sounds as well as the meaning. I would love to have a solitary retreat in a cwm like this. But this is my digital artwork, not a real place.
May 7, 2017
Maple Leaf Globe
It's been a year since I launched this website, so here's a picture in celebration. I've added 77 more images in the past year, 7 of which were new designs, for a current total of 120 images available for screen wallpaper and prints. This is my fall version of the seasonal globe idea.
November 13, 2016
Cornflower Blue
I had planted a couple packets of wildflower seeds in my window boxes, but the list of flowers only had the scientific names, so I didn't really know what I was planting. Well, now I know what cosmos is and that window boxes aren't the best place for it! But the cornflowers were my favorite. I didn't know how many different shades they were. This is not a photograph of my window boxes, but the cornflowers blooming there inspired me to make this virtual cornflower field in Vue.
March 15, 2016
Roe in a Meadow
This picture was inspired by an EarthShots photo of a cheetah in a field of grass. But my subject is a little safer!
February 15, 2016
“Resurgam” is Latin for “I shall rise again” - an good inscription for a gravestone, especially in the spring. It seemed appropriate to combine the symbols for death, remembrance, and resurrection.
January 8, 2016